Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Swashbuckle My Life

I just saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2!! Not only was that filmed on my dad's island (which is the only cool thing about me that I can tout, so i tout it), but it was fuckn rad. Supermega bigtime awesomerad freshysweet. I wanna be a pirate and wear tons of black eyeliner and sword fight. I saw it at the big Sony center in Potsdamer Platz in the center of Berlin where you get seat assignments and you pay a euro extra for a seat in the back of the theater and you can drink beer in a bottle and choose salty or sweet popcorn and they have guys selling ice cream out of containers strapped to their back and some movies have intermissions. I love luxury and the lack of necessity and pure ridiculous extremity.

Whenever I'm in line at the grocery store, train station, ticket counter, whatever there is to be in line for and there are Germans behind me, they stand SO CLOSE it's almost unbelievable that they don't merge into my very being. I'm like "are you eating my hair??" and then, right after I silently ask that question, that Police/Sting song goes through my head: "don't stand so, don't stand so, don't stand so close to me." Don't.


I need to order new checks (cheques). If you read this, and care what kind of checks I have (I might end up writing you one and then you'll care!) which kind should I get: mountain-y, environmental conservation checks? irrelevantly patterned but somehow still classy checks? rainbow/teddy bears with bowties checks? girly camo? mystic maidens? aerobics? ATVs? I'm leaning towards ATVs, but stop me before I offend someone.

Now I'm starting to think that the Fulbright is a bad idea. It seems like a typical next step (besides grad school). But what the hell else am I going to do? And I like Berlin. I just have no idea how to make these steps. Everything was such a given before: high school to college, that's what you do. Now I can literally do anything (I can do anything!--like the Reading Rainbow theme song...) but that makes me want to curl up and do nothing.
"What is the true picture of how the future will turn out?" -Pablo Neruda.
You said it, Pabby.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup that is a great film. I enjoyed the whole experience and that it was a real long film. Nobody can look so good in black eyeliner as Jonny Depp :)

AT least the Germens queue up and don't cut the queue ... have had that happened to m family and it ended up pretty bad.

1:06 AM  

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