Sunday, August 13, 2006

Last Night Was Going to be So Cool

1. Indisputable facts:
After a day of shopping, Jackie and I came home to nap, eat, change and go meet our friend Joanna at her apartment in East Berlin for pre-party. We left our place kinda late so we picked up some beers on the way, and I had finished three half liters by the time we got to Jo's. Then, Jackie makes us all some Vodka Redbulls. Enter disaster.

2. How last night was supposed to go:
Drinkdrinkdrink, take U-Bahn to Eberswalder Strasse, find a group of cute boys, follow them to wherever they were going (hopefully a cool bar), laugh and giggle about talking to them without actually doing it, maybe have Jackie do it (she's got balls like that), maybe go dancing (provided my new really tight (as in restrictive) boots would allow), go home irgendwann, wake up and eat delicious brunch buffet in the morning. Baller.

3. How last night actually went:
After Vodka Redbulls, Jackie made another concoction that I would like to call "The Vomitron" which was Vodka (waaay too much) and Red Bull (not at all enough) and BEER (because of the lack of Red Bull). So, yeah, I drank some of that too. Then we walked to the subway and rode it to Alexanderplatz to switch to another subway to go to Eberswalder. Then, at some point during the walk through the giant labyrinth Jackie decided that we were going to take the above-ground train (S-Bahn) instead to Warschauer Strasse. So we got on the train and immediately my mouth starts doing that fill-rapidly-with-saliva-because-you're-gonna-vomit-NOW thing. I hate that thing. So instead of riding to our destination, I have to get off at Ostbahnhof (1 stop away) and almost vomit all over the train platform, with a very confused Jackie and Joanna in tow. But, I don't vomit. Then we decide that the best thing would be the 24hour McDonalds inside the train station. Jo gets TWO large fries and proceeds to eat all of them--I have two bites. Jackie gets a Turkish pizza. Our friend Julia shows up with a bike she has to give back to Jo right when I'm shuffling through the train station trying to find the bathroom, which I have to pay 50 CENTS to use, then I pass out on the floor with my head over the gross-smelling metallic toilet and Jackie has to come find me and help me out. Jackie (the vegetarian) then decides she's going to get a McRib. Now, if you've ever seen the McDonalds menu (you know the one above the cashiers' heads that's all lit-up?) then you know that the McRib is the grossest looking thing on the entire menu. But she got it and she ate it and we walked home to Jo's place. I then decided I was going to take a shower, and covered myself in Jo's mimosa shower gel/cream shit and fell asleep on the floor of her tiny stand up shower curled in a ball with my head on my knee until Jackie (yet again) had to come and get me and dry me off and put me to sleep. Twenty minutes after I "fell asleep," I get up to retch all of my tiny salad dinner (WHAT was I thinking eating only a salad before a night like this?) into the toilet. After which I felt immediately better and fell asleep watching Bend it Like Beckham. That's a sweetass movie.
My hangover today, though, was something to shake a stick at.
Brunch was.....delicious. And we did see some cute boys after all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

turkish mcpizza?

11:09 PM  
Blogger Chadé said...

naw, flatbread with tomato sauce, lettuce, tomato, cucumer, onions and schwarma shit if you want. she wasn't supposed to have it in mcdonalds.

11:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pull yourself together, you fucking degenerate.

6:24 PM  
Blogger DB said...

where are you?

7:11 AM  

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