Sunday, July 09, 2006

My Life is a Novel

Check out how interesting Jackie and I are:

On Saturday, we didn't have anything to do, so we picked a part of Berlin that we've never been to, and we WENT THERE!!!!!!
It's called Köpenick and it's in southwestern Berlin. I've prepared a little slideshow for your delight.

Above is a picture of Jackie, who has just received a free (Yes, FREE) packet of Tic Tacs and glucose sticks from a street vendor.

Then, the girl went and antagonized a pair of swans:

Which seems to be a theme with her:

So I quickly removed her from that perilous situation (did you know that swans are incredibly violent and territorial?) And we moved on.
We also saw this amazing military wedding on a street corner in front of an old church, complete with a dozen men in full military garb with World War I helmets and white gloves and men with bow ties and women with pill box hats, and we felt like we'd stepped into 1958, but it also felt too voyeuristic and invasive to stand along and take pictures, so we watched for a short while until the pair drove off in a white convertible volkswagen beetle, honking and hollering and incredibly adorable.

Kopenik had a couple of memorials dedicated to the date April 23, 1945 when the Soviets liberated that part of town from the Nazi facists, only to put in place a comparably totalitarian and oppressive regime, but that doesn't seem to be an issue. To each his own, I guess.
Below is first a plaque commemorating the date that reads (roughly, my German is...shitty) "On this historic day, Berlin-Kopenik was freed from the facist Nazis." The second is a picture of the nearby statue memorializing some raising of a fist, which is what the Germans seem to believe symbolizes any struggle anywhere at any time. Struggle=Raised Fists.

ANYWAY, the rest of the day doesn't really have any pictures of note, but, before you ask, NO, not every day of mine in Berlin is as exciting as this one. Sometimes Jackie and I just sit around looking at each other. And eating pasta.


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